Our Directors comprises of diverse backgrounds in Acquisitions, M&A, Architecture / Real Estate, Law, Diplomacy, Data Security / Tech, and Economics. We are a knowledgeable team with valuable experience. The brain is an amazing ever-learning core of Humans.
We keep expanding our ability

Ðarren “Dare” Sumner
Chairman, Executive Officer

Grateful to our global-minded associates committed to organizational integrity and meaningful projects. Mr. Sumner has background as a Real Estate research analyst, Luxury Designer / Master-Planner, Investment Analyst, Acquisitions, Public Speaker, and owner of multiple companies. He directly collaborated with over 25 countries on Development, Humanitarian and diplomatic efforts.
Its well known that Mr. Sumner, is responsible for setting and implementing corporate policies and strategic initiatives. He has oversight of all facets of operations, including establishing the vision for the company such as its culture, corporate citizenship and goals. Whereas he’s keeping high standards for quality control, ethical behavior and integrity. In more detail, Mr. Sumner is active on the all aspects of these companies shown inside this Parent company structure.
Fee-based appointments for each appointment
Education: University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY (1991-95) –
College of Design; Environmental Design, Architecture. With advanced concentration in English Writing, Research, and Public Speaking, Law and Real Estate.
Dwight B. Williams, J.D.,
Compliance Officer + Director

My passion has always focused on international business. I worked with corporate (mostly in technology-based businesses) and individual clients for over 40 years on how to expand their business interests worldwide. My education at Columbia Law School and experience with deals in approximately 40 countries taught me the value of developing and executing a comprehensive, global compliance strategy, and entering specific markets with a detailed advance plan.
Two wise corollaries should be noted when working with professionals of any type (medical, legal, engineers, etc.): Prevention is preferable, less costly, less distracting and safer than intervention; and intervention is preferable, less costly, less distracting and vastly safer and healthier than pathology (litigation). Mr. Williams has been advising and has a mutual respect with Mr. Sumner since 2014.
Education: Columbia University in the City of New York;
Juris Doctor, International Business Law / 1967 – 70
Helen Feng, PMP
Chief Technology Officer + Director

Creative problem solver, results-driven technology executive offering expertise in Professional Services delivery, team building, Customer Service, enterprise software support, and project management. Combine technical skills and management experience to develop and execute strategic plans, generate revenues, and ensure customer satisfaction. Motivational manager who fosters independent thinking and ensures personnel have the proper tools, guidance, and training to excel. Reputation for resolving complex service issues, turning around under-performing departments, and building credibility for service delivery throughout the enterprise and entire customer base. Helen has known and worked with Mr Sumner since 2010.
- Did you know?
- PMP Certification. Green Belt Lean Six Sigma Certification.
- Future tech planning in collaboration with our teams.
- Non-profit giving and Humanitarian mindset
- Healer with Professional Medical experience
- Education: Bachelor of Science—Computer Science (1996)
State University of NY at Stony Brook, NY Honors College AlumnusWe work as teams to advance our futures. Feel free to arrange appointments with us.
See JOBS or Family Office